Client Stories- Laura

Laura’s Boudoir Photo Shoot

Camberley Boudoir Studio


I distinctly remember Laura was a bit nervous about coming along for her photo shoot, in fact she was on the phone to her friend on the way here threatening to turn around!

Thankfully her lovely friend had a chat and she arrived at the studio very excited, phew!

This isn’t an uncommon reaction to having a Boudoir Photo Shoot, believe me! I can fully relate because to be honest, if you point a camera at me even when fully dressed I have a slight panic attack!

Laura came with a friend and I think that really helped to make her feel more relaxed and once we got started with a bit of a chat and some banter, she was ready to rock and roll.

And Laura certainly rocked her shoot!

Here is what Laura had to say about her shoot.

Hi Chantal

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for my boudoir photoshoot.

I was equally nervous and excited when I booked but I really wanted to do something different and exciting just for me. I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t too crazy, (bungee jumping/marathons arent really me) until a friend showed me her photos; she looked absolutely incredible!

So along I rock to your fabulous studio, excited at the prospect of having my hair and make-up done, less excited about dressing up in front of someone new. How wrong could I be! I felt instantly comfy, you were just so lovely, I relaxed quickly and I actually started to feel really excited about the shoot!

Now, I’m no model. I’m curvy, i have cellulite on my bum and a few tiger marks however, when I saw my photos, I actually felt proud of my imperfections. For the first time in a long time I felt proud of my body! Somehow, you have captured the very things I hate about my body and enabled me to see those ‘flaws’ in an entirely new and positive light!

I can not tell you (not to get too gushy) how much this experienced has boosted my confidence – the photos I’ll treasure forever!

I really can’t articulate how thankful I am, I’m so in love with them, so I just wanted to say thanks so much for not only the shoot, but for the confidence boast and for being so lovely!

See you in a year or two for the next one!

Huge, huge thanks.

So if you are looking for an exciting and new experience, then feel free to give me a call and have a chat about booking your own Boudoir Photo Shoot at our studio in Camberley, Surrey!


Chantal x